I have seen so many good reviews about these MUA lipsticks, and at £1 each, I could not resist the urge to try them, so I bought 3 in the colours I like to wear the most. These were Shade 16, which is a orange/coral colour, Shade 1 which is a deep red and Shade 4 which is a bubble-gum Barbie pink shade.
Strangely enough I am both extremely happy and extremely disappointed with these. To explain why I will talk about them individually in the order of the photo.

First of all is Shade 16, also called Nectar, and weirdly enough the only one out of the three I bought that had a name as well as a shade number. The first time I put this on I absolutely hated it. I've had colours similar to this that suited me really well. This one did not at all. I can't put my finger on why I disliked it so much but it just did not suit me at all and looked kind of plastic-y. However I decided to give this another shot, I applied it in a dabbing motion then topped it with Soap & Glory's Sexy Mother Pucker in Pink Apricot and I really liked the outcome. The gloss seemed to dull down the strange look the lipstick game my lips and the colours really complimented each other for a nice wearable orange shade. It's definitely not my favourite lipstick, and it's not the worst. It just did nothing for me and I would never wear this without the gloss.
Secondly there's Shade 1, AKA my new favourite lipstick! It really is a beautiful shade! It's more purple toned than I expected, but I'm glad it is. For me it is the perfect deep red without being too dark and looking gothic. And it lasts pretty well. Even if it didn't I don't think I would mind as I love the colour so much re-applying often wouldn't be an issue. I've worn this pretty much every day since I bought it and I'm in love, it's just so wearable.
Now, last and definitely least is Shade 4. I was actually most excited to try this one as I love being girly and wearing bright pink lipstick. I expected a lovely bold bubble-gum Barbie pink 'pop' to my lips. What I got was, well... nothing. I am so disappointed with this. I thought my prayers had been answered and I'd found a gorgeous pink without it costing the earth. There is no pigment to this lipstick whatsoever. I tried layering it up, but still after 10 coats it gave nothing but a slight sheen and extremely little colour. It's possibly the worst lipstick I've ever tried. I'm just thankful it only cost £1.
So there's my review of these lipsticks, I find it so strange that one of these is my new favourite lipstick, another is just 'blah', and the other is hands down the worst I've ever used. But for £1 each, being able to try all 3 of these for way less than the price of an average lipstick is pretty cool, and I'll almost definitely try more if I see any more shades that look nice.